Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 5, 2010

SharePoint 2010: PerformancePoint Services Dashboard Designer


The data source no longer exists or you do not have permissions to view it.

Additional details have been logged for your administrator.


Please install the WCF hot Fix for Windows Server 2008 R2 prior to this step.  I believe it should be public soon.
Can you please verify the following see it helps? 
1. Central Administration | Application Management | Manage Service Application | Double click Secure Store Application | Generate New Key
2. Central Administration | Application Management | Manage Service Application | PerformancePoint Service Application | Manage | Update the PerformancePoint Unattended Service Account – First option   
This step needs to be successful, if there is a failure please delete the PerformancePoint Service Application and recreate it.
3. Central Administration | Application Management | Manage Service Application | PerformancePoint Service Application | Administrator | Add the Unattended Service Account and Mark Full Control.
Thank you,
Sundar – MSFT


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